Friday, October 30, 2020

Second batch from the Arboretum

Here is another batch of cellphone photos from the Arboretum. I was, of course, hunting fall colors, that is, the turning of the leaves to shades of bright yellow, orange and red, but saw only one tree that fit that description. But I saw plenty of other things, and here is the proof:

Another little lake with dark green water off to the side of the rose garden. Would you believe that I saw a coyote come out of the trees and walk close by where I was sitting, reloading my camera? I saw what looked like a big dog and immediately did a double take. Animals are not allowed here, of course not, there are peacocks throughout the grounds, so they can't have them coming and barking or chasing or even killing the ornamental fowl, so it was a wild coyote living in the arboretum. This garden is in an urban setting, there is a neighborhood of houses on the other side, and a racetrack on the opposite end! So it lives on the ground. For a moment I thought it might want to attack me, but it just calmly padded down to the stony brook that had almost no water in it, then disappeared behind some bushes. I did try to get some footage with my cellphone, but I was fumbling with it (I mentioned, of course, that it could me in the middle of loading JCH Streetpan into the Fuji 6x9), and when I tried to record, no luck, I had the wrong settings or was not pressing the button hard enough. I was not quick on the draw, in other words, nor intelligent about it, but I did see it and was inspired. The coyote means something, doesn't it? I see it not as a trickster but as a survivor, doing what it has to do to survive, and telling me, if it can survive in an urban garden in heavily populated Los Angeles, then I can get by too. I was fortunate to see this beautiful animal.

Another lake, this one is next to the Muhlberg waterfall which, once again, let me down. They turned off the water flow today because of maintenance, the sign said. Last time I went, water was barely flowing. I guess they are being water-wise, and I think that is a good idea. One day I will see the water flowing.

Cool vegetation under trees. The coyote disappeared under similar settings.

This is the fall color I saw, in the flowers. I can't wait to return to the rose garden next year in early spring. I sincerely hope we will have a new president.

More vegetation.

They are building a new display here, I think. Work in progress.

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