Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Taking a walk

 Here are a few cellphone photos from my walk around the city in the afternoon. The so-called "Blue Ridge Fire" was a fearsome sight yesterday. It was ignited by the fierce (and I mean fierce because they bent over our trees and tore a small palm tree that we had next to our fence out of the ground) on Monday, and they were fanned yet again on Tuesday. Yesterday night I was in bed and could smell the smoke still, even though our windows were closed. During the daytime we could see the angry billowing red clouds to the west, and planes circling around trying to contain it. 

The fire was centered in Yorba Linda, but was spreading into Chino Hills. It was supposedly zero-contained on Tuesday, but today was a still day, with no fierce winds, so reports were made that it was being contained. When I walked around town after 3 p.m. I saw little evidence of the red smoke clouds that had been so much in evidence on Tuesday. 

It was a pleasant walk. I took the long way round (memories of the hit album by Steppenwolf from 1979). I took mostly photos of flowers.

This is such a beautiful image for me. It is timeless. It is taken as I walk over the bridge that takes us over the railroad tracks. 

The channel. There is potential here, but I haven't found the right composition yet. I hate to say it, but it looks to me like a cloaca expelling waste.

Never a good idea to cut off the top of palm trees. I am so tired of palm trees, but they are ever present in California. That is why I don't know the names of other trees, because we don't see enough of them, we see these annoying palm trees.

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