Friday, October 30, 2020

Last batch from the arboretum

Here is the last batch of photos from the arboretum.

The lake next to the television-series prop house. Damn but it looks exactly like the lake at Fairmont Park, a very ugly lake. The reflections are nice, but no color, and palm trees do not show fall colors. How those trunks must have bent when the Santa Ana Winds struck earlier this week.

I had to take this shot of the peacock because it posed for me. Now, if we were in Mexico, the common people, referred to as "la raza", would not have left it alone. They would have immediately caught it, killed it, plucked it and used it to prepare tamales. That is the thing, I am of Mexican heritage (and birth), but I know the common people, they don't appreciate beauty. Unfortunately.

Beautiful colors near the chimney display near the entrance. I took a slide shot with my Fuji camera too.

There is a little hidden garden when you are about to exit. I am glad I followed this path today. This is not the interesting part, these are just columns with a roof, but around the corner, there is a fountain and displays with an Asian feel. 

Turtles in the lake next to the house. Now, if these turtles were at Fairmont Park, they would have been snatched up in 15 minutes by the raza and taken home as pets, where they would have died within two days. I know my people.

Garden at the end as we prepare to exit.

Cat on a hot tin roof, er, peacock on a cool wooden roof in a small garden at the arboretum.

Feels almost like the NBC logo I remember from the past, a saner time.

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