Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Asian Lunar New Year fest in San Gabriel

 Here are a few photos taken with my Fuji GW690ii camera in February, almost at the advent of the pandemic that has changed our lives so drastically this year. It was of performances at the San Gabriel Mission theater. I went on a whim, since other festivals had been cancelled (I am referring to the Alhambra festival). There were strong indications even then that a big pandemic was on its way, but I was happy that this event took place. I was using Acros film, which gives consistently great results. It is only 100 ISO, but the tonal range! Once again, this is 6x9 format.

I still have a few more photos to scan from this roll. Maybe this weekend, because I want to go to Santa Barbara on Thursday, which will be my Ferris Beuller day off.

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