Friday, October 23, 2020

Down on the Bayou, I mean, the trail!

Went and took a silly trip today. No Zoom classes so it was time to get out of the house, and I did. There was a big vintage camera sale in Sunland, CA, and I thought I might find something for myself. I didn't. The early arrivers had already picked the place clean, there were cameras, but not the good ones, and there was equipment, like filters, etc., but nothing I could use. Even the expired film was not desireable, so I left. Lesson learned, when you have a big camera sale advertised, especially in the Los Angeles county area, count on hoards of shoppers arriving and picking it clean. I got there at 10:30 a.m. (opening time was 8:00 a.m.), and there was nothing for me.

So, I went to north Hollywood to visit a Thai temple and then drove home. Traffic was terrible on the way home, way too many delays and trailers driving at 20 miles below the posted speed limit. I was nearing the 71 freeway when I thought, why not visit this trailhead? I might not be able to walk very far, since I had dress shoes on, but I can at least see the start of the trail. I did, and I wanted more. I identified a gnarled tree a few hundred feet away and said to myself, walk to there and back at least, and I did, skipping over many dog droppings. On the way back it was uphill, which was not fun. However, I enjoyed it and took a few photos. Here are the cellphone photos, I also took a few 4x5 black and white and also some color photos with my Fuji GW690ii.

That freeway in the back is the 57. I've driven on it many times and looked down on this trailhead but never thought to get off and visit it. There is a first time for everything.

I remember when Antonovich was still a county supervisor. He was one of the conservative ones. Now, I think they are all liberals.

Walking down the trailhead.

I should go back and see a sunset with clouds.

The canyons.

That was it, a short here-I-am and now-I-am-done. But I'll be back.

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