Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Moody grain

If I had know that I could obtain this effect of moody grain, I would have used this film more often! This is Ilford XP-2 Super, the chromogenic (which means, you develop in color chemicals) film that produces black and white images. It was always my experience twenty years ago that I would obtain no grain from this film, and it was so smooth that I had difficulty using these negatives in the darkroom. But, these negatives aren't the usual subject. I took them about 15 years ago, and then, didn't develop the film until recently. Something must have changed in the emulsion so that, with the passage of time and the improper storage of these rolls in a hot climate, they developed grain effect. All I can say is I love it! I wish I had given the models copies of these photos. I did give her other photos, but these are winners. I still have about 8 more frames to scan on my scanner, however, not today. I will be holding Zoom sessions once again. Back to the grind.

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