Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The fantasy garden at Alta Vista Garden

And a few images that I took on 4x5 Rollei IR film on Sunday when I went to the Alta Vista Garden. I developed them on Tuesday and scanned them early today before I went to make my purchases. Love the dragon,  I think I will have to come back on an evening to get better illumination. This is a wonderful garden.

The whimsical sculptures that dot this landscape. I think I did a good job finding a position such that the dragon had a white background and not a dark sky behind it, but the dragon was still, nonetheless, in the shade. Visions of Game of Thrones, a fantasy series by George R.R. Martin that I watched for a few seasons but then tuned out because it was much too drawn out. But I loved this dragon sculpture!

The obelisk near the big pond. I think, next time, that I should aim for a shot where not some much unvariegated white vegetation dominates. 

Here is the obelisk in a cellphone photo. Also, a different vantage point.

 I am running out of Rollei 4x5 IR film! I will have to buy some this Saturday, not sooner, Saturday, because I don't want it to show up as a purchase on this month's statement. But yes, I am running through this film quickly, and I see why, this is beautiful film. I would prefer to have it in 120 format, but it is out of supply right now. So be it. 

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