Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Laguna Niguel Reserve in Infrared

 I went to the Laguna Niguel Botanical Reserve on Monday, Oct. 5th, determined to obtain a few IR images. I took six sheets of Rollei 400 IR film. I also took my Holga Pan 120 camera with some color film, and of course, my cellphone camera. 

The weather was perfect, very bright with much IR light being scattered about, and there were also clouds! I know I would get some good shots. 

This tree is not very memorable as a normal color composition, nor even as a black and white, but I gave it a shot on IR. I am satisfied, although the upper leaves could have reflected more IR light.

This is my wonder landscape. I love this shot. It goes to show, mix an expansive landscape with trees and some clouds in the sky, and magic happens. 

I love this scene as well. It was taken as I was climbing down from the top. I thought that a dark bench would really stand out among the vegetation, and it did. I wish I had tried this with my R72 filter and my digital camera. I think I should be able to obtain color IR images that way, from what I have seen in videos on Youtube.

This is a very colorful scene! That white vegetation in the front has no color, but with regular light, it is filled with flowers. No worries, I used color film with my Holga Pan too. 

Another instance of landscape wonder. I was sure it would work when I took it, and I am so happy to have been right. 

This was the last IR shot I took that day. It was of some cactus. I was not happy with the composition, but I thought, I am about to leave, I am tired, I am sweaty, I want to go home, let me force the shot. I guess it is acceptable. Now I know that IR does work with cactus.

And that was it for my infrared shots at this location. I will certainly return, because I have a strong feeling that the leaves will change color soon and will be beautiful. I may not shoot infrared again, but I will try to shoot some medium format color shots. I am happy with these photos. 

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