Sunday, October 25, 2020

A few more photos from the city named Crown

 A few Holga 120 Pan photos taken of the city. The center is too bright, and I really washed out the sky. I should have used a red filter. These are nondistinct, taken sometime in September of 2020. The only thing I can say is that it was very, very, very uncomfortably hot, as it always is around this time, but I wanted to take some photos of the city with this format. 

From the freeway overpass, looking at the railroad tracks as I went on my morning walks. There were not clouds in the sky, it was pitiless.

Why, why, why did I take this photo? Well, I thought that the mountains in the background would be a wonderful feature, but of course, they were washed out completely in the sky. This is a field in south Crown, where the orange groves used to be located. 

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