Monday, October 5, 2020

The Laguna Niguel Preserve

 I had to go, I had to. I feel as if I can't go to places on the weekends, especially during periods of excessive heat such as we are currently experiencing, because people go out in droves to these places. I need to avoid these droves because of the possibility of infection. I feel the fear rising in me as I pass someone not wearing a face mask, and I want to run and hide somewhere. So, I limit my trips to the weekdays, when I know that most of these public spaces are much less crowded than they would be otherwise.

It was a hard decision. Go to Alta Vista garden in Vista, CA? No, too far, how would I pick up my order of 4x5 slides from Pro Photo without making a long round trip? Go to South Coast Botanic garden again? No, it is too soon, the same for the Sherman library. I'll wait until the fall colors arrive in a few more weeks. I wanted to go to Casa Romántica in San Clemente but it is closed on Mondays. That left the Laguna Niguel Preserve, and I am glad I went.

It takes a while to get there. It isn't as far as, say, Encinitas or Vista, but it is "deep in the heart of southern Orange County". I am always afraid to go down here because the area is relentlessly prosperous, that is, every house is valued at a million or more dollars (at least), and I think I will encounter rejection. Far from it. The people are very tolerant and open-minded, I see much less signs of Trump support, and people by and large wear face masks. This is not Norco where a business can be flying a giant Trump flag that says "Fuck this bullshit!". Southern Orange County is not redneck Trump country, and it is among the rednecks where you find the most fanatical Trump support.

I arrived just as I thought I was lost. I turned in to a park to consult my cellphone and see if I could get some directions, and low and behold, that was the park I was looking for. The whole hillside was the preserve, and it looked very spacious and well maintained. Nothing like modest Corona park where the homeless have claimed all the open spaces and are defecating behind the shrubs. 

It was hot, but I got my cameras and ventured out. I had six sheets of IR film I needed to expose, and they are currently drying in the bathroom at 10:54 p.m. as I write this. I also took cellphone photos. Here are a few:

First thing you have to note is that you have to climb. There are wood stairs everywhere, plus paths that curve up. It is a hillside, this is not a flat space.

Second, the zones are not as differentiated. I saw desert plants, all carefully laid out, but it wasn't until almost the end that I found the zone with roses and a statue. It was beautiful. This whole area is beautiful. I took a roll of 120 color film (6 exposures), so I am hoping to get back something brilliant in color. And I did shoot my Rollei IR photos with my 4x5. 

I was tired at the end after about two hours, tired and sweaty. Now I have visited one more garden. Here is my list, in no particular order:

1. Japanese Garden at Balboa Park (paid admission)

2. Open gardens at Balboa Park (free)

3. UCR Botanic Garden (pay for parking)

4. LA Arboretum (paid entry)

5. California Botanic Garden (pay $10)

6. Huntington Library (pay $25)

7. Descanso Garden (paid)

8. Sherman Library Garden (pay $5)

9. San Diego Botanic Garden (pay $18)

10. Laguna Niguel Garden (free!)

11. CPP campus rose garden and Japanese garden (free, but $8 for campus parking)

12. South Coast Botanic Garden (free because I went on Free Day)

Still to visit:

San Clemente Casa Romántica

Alta Vista Garden

Santa Barbara Garden


There are other gardens, of course. The Fullerton Arboretum is closed so I can't go there. Also, the UCLA garden and the Cal State Long Beach gardens are closed. There is a Buddhist retreat open, I hope to go there. Hopefully I can take a trip to northern California too. 

That is it. I'm tired and will go to bed now. It was a long, long day for me today. Tomorrow I'll be Zooming again, but this week, I have tests to give, no lectures except for one (on Thursday). I will make it, but wow, I really need a break for a week. 

Also, my niece keeps on having anxiety attacks. It is getting very worrisome to see them. She gets over them with encouragement from her grandmother or mom, but still, I am worried about how often she has them. 

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