Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Citrus Park in IR

 I went to the Riverside Citrus Park and took a few photo on Oct. 4th. As I think I wrote before, I was not intending on going anywhere, but I went because, otherwise, I would just sleep at home, and I don't want to sleep so much even though I am perpetually in sleep deprivation (due to my sleep apnea, unfortunately). 

These were IR photos taken with my 4x5 Wanderlust camera. The film was Rollei 400 IR. I definitely need to stock up, I am running through my supply quickly! Freestyle ran out of this film, but the store in New York still has some. I don't want to increase my total on my credit card, however, so I will wait before I buy more. I will have to wait one more week, though, but even if I miss out, I am sure it will be restocked. 

I took six frames in all. What was I thinking? My compositions were not very good. I knew I needed to juxtapose dark and light, and in this case, a dark structure with light IR foliage. Maybe the last one is adequate, but the first one, with the tall palm trees, is not. I hate to see cut-off trees. 

What happened? I wanted to take photos, that is what was happening. It was very hot that day too, and I knew IR light was everywhere, but there were clouds hanging back, and by 5 p.m. (closing time), they were obscuring the sun. I knew I didn't have much time, and I was determined to get my photos. I am running through my IR film at a considerable pace. I bought four boxes, each one with 25 sheets, and by now, I am on my third box. I think it would be better for me to start buying Rollei IR 400 in 120 size, because at least that way I will have more frames. A 120 roll will cost $8.99, but will give me (depending on the camera, but I would use my Fuji GW690ii) 8 frames. The equivalent would be 4.5 frames at $2 a sheet of 4x5. I think I need to go to 120 rolls.

As for the photos? I can do much better. 

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