Monday, October 5, 2020

Fall color from 2019 before the world jumped off the deep end

 These are scans from a few 4x5 Velvia compositions I took in the fall of 2019. The world was a much different place back then, although of course, we still had that maniac in the White House. I picked up the scans today, Monday, Oct. 5th, from Pro Photo Connection in Irvine. I stopped by there on my way to another botanical garden in Laguna Niguel.

Love those azure skies of Velvia! It makes me think of Azul, of Modernismo, of Rubén Darío. 

There are old ladies who wear their hair in this style and color. (I couldn't resist, Lucille Ball!) Love the somber note, there was almost no one on campus, or else, it was just a very quiet moment. It might have been during final exams week, in December.

I'll scan a few more images in the next few days. There are some howlers in the order I picked up today, including when I left my red 25A filter on the lens and took slide photos. I was not thinking, but when I look at those images, there was nothing that was outstanding. Now, it is 5:16 p.m. and I need to start working on school material. Back to the grind, but not, not on location as in these photos, it is all online grind. 

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