Friday, October 16, 2020

Arriving at the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden

 Well, I got there after following a long and winding road. It was very long and very winding, and I was using my Google navigator to reach the spot. I thought several times that I was lost, it should not be so hard to find this place. 

You climb up and up into areas I had never seen in past trips to Santa Barbara. I've been to that magical city maybe ten times in the past, but only to the downtown area, and specifically, the areas where the stages are set for the Santa Barbara Spanish Fiesta Days (De la Guerra Plaza). I have also been to the beach, of course, and to the mission, but this was my first time climbing up into those hills. 

What I saw was beautiful. It was 1 p.m., and I was tired from all the driving. At that time, in the city where I live in the inland areas, it would have been about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, it was about 80 in these hills which were alive with the sound of ....shutters clicking. 

Yes, people came with cameras and they were adamant that they were going to take their photos. And how could they not when greeted with that magnificent shot of the meadow looking up to the mountain? All one needed to see was Julia Andrews running around singing.

Where is Julia Andrews?

I started planning on taking my shots too. More in my next entry.

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