Saturday, October 3, 2020

More Fuji photos from my Sept. 4th trip to the California Botanic Garden

 These are photos I scanned today of my first trip to the California Botanic Garden on Sept. 4th of 2020. I took them with my Fuji GW690 camera that gives me 6x9 negatives. I had picked them on Monday, I recall, but only now was able to scan them. 

This is my favorite tree at the garden, what is deemed an ocotillo tree. I don't know if it is from the deserts of the Americas or from another continent. I have photographed this in black and white, in infrared and in color. I love this tree, it is so different, and you have to go through a special trail to find it. 

The mountains are what attracted me to this scene. If I had a higher vantage point, I could really make the mountains stand out.

This building has these grape vines all around it, and it is located next to the small, very humble rose garden. Well, the roses were gone by then, and the grapes were very soggy, but I still love this building. It seems almost abandoned. 

I love this vantage point. When I saw it I knew I wanted to return to photograph it in infrared. I will at some point. It seems overgrown, and that is pretty much what this garden is like, it is not as carefully manicured as the other gardens I have seen.

My favorite photo, I caught the light.

This rock has a stream of water oozing down it that attracts many humming birds. I caught the humming birds, but they would not leave this rock alone. 

I will return to this garden, fear not! But hopefully when it is cooler, because right now, it is just too uncomfortable in this very hot spell of weather. We hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit today (Oct. 3, 2020) again, and will have similar temperatures for the next few days until the end of the week when we are supposed to dip down to something more normal, the low 80s. The Northeast is already experiencing chill but we are nowhere near that nor will we be until December. We have two more hot months that await us, but this time, no seasonal events. Trick or trick will probably be cancelled, at least we will not be giving candies, and there are no Dia de los Muertos events. There will be a dearth of anything until we have a vaccine and the death toll stops. We are above 210,000 deaths in the United States alone, and still there are people who support Trump! I will never understand that. 

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