Friday, October 16, 2020

From my visit to Citrus Park on Oct. 4th

 Yes, it was earlier this month, although it seems longer than that. I went to Citrus Park and I took some infrared photos as well as a few pinhole photos. Here is one of the path that leads up to the citrus orchards. It was very hot that day, and the park was about to close in less than an hour. There was a breeze blowing, which means, I should not have been photographing trees with leaves, especially with the long exposures necessary for pinhole photos. But I did it because I wanted some pinhole images. 

I will be much more careful with shot selection once I receive my 8x10 Willtravel camera. I was notified yesterday that it had been sent out, all the way from Norway. Now, I need to order a lens to go with it. 

Those blurry palms on a windy day...what was I thinking?

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