Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Kraken is not working for me

I have to say this, the Kraken 6x12 camera is not working for me. The focus is not calibrated at infinity, so I cannot get sharp photos. I knew this was so when I received it and put in the mirror to try to confirm the calibration by the designer for the lens I was using. It was off, I could not get the image in focus, and I was upset about it, but decided to try taking a few photos anyway. They came back blurry, except for the foreground. I then decided that if I set focus for closer than what I judged, then I would get most of my foreground in focus. No deal, I am seeing the same problem. It needs to be calibrated correctly at infinity, and I received a camera that was not calibrated correctly. I wish I had not spent the money.

I have some guides that I can use to try to calibrate, and I will try. I don't hold out hope, I have no mechanical capabilities, I dedicated myself to books, not to figuring out problems with equipment. Really, I spent $135 for the printed camera body and $70 for the lens (a 135mm lens), so I am out $200 approximately, plus what I have lost with the rolls I have shot. I should not have bought this camera.

Hopefully I will not have the same problem with my printed 8x10 camera that I am due to receive any day now from another camera builder, this one in Europe. I am really looking to using what remains of my supply of 8x10 Arista 200 and Catlabs 80 film to take 8x10 images. 

The Kraken needs to be fixed.

Taken at the Riverside Citrus Park. What was I thinking?

Riverside Citrus Park. Again, what was I thinking? And why is it darker to the left?

The San Diego Botanic Garden. This photo is grossly out of focus.

San Diego once again. I would have liked for this image to be a success.

An accident, a double exposure. So unfortunate, but interesting at the same time.

Leaves on a pond. I'm not sure it was taken at San Diego, but now that I think about it, it was. 

That is it. I'll return to these gardens, not to worry. I want to try again, and I'll probably think of using a 6x12 back for my Travelwide. I think I will get these images the way I want them. I also want to try different compositions with my 8x10. 

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