Monday, October 5, 2020

A mixed bag

 More photos from my walk around town on a Sunday morning. I've already talked about my wasted IR frames, I should not have taken the shots I took. Here are a few taken with regular black and white film. This is Fomapan 100, taken with my Travelwide camera.

I had completed my walk which lasted longer than I was anticipating (an hour and thirty minutes!). I was arriving at the city center and was going to just get in my car and drive away when I though, I have two film holders with four sheets, I should grab a few shots. No planning, just spontaneous, and what was worse, I mounted my red 25a filter on the lens. Why did I do that if I was doing building closeups?

I went into this open space near one of the entryways facing east. There was some color in the bushes which I knew would not come out in black and white, and I was using my red 25A filter. What in the devil possessed me to take this shot? I was using a slow shutter speed too, but not slow enough for Fomapan 100 film. After scanning I had to lift the shadow areas considerably. What was I thinking? I guess I just wanted to waste film.

I walked around to the other south-facing area and tried to frame a shot of the building next to the trees. Fall is coming, the leaves are changing colors and turning into a Brazilian medley (yellow and green)! But if the leaves were going to be dark, what possessed me to take the shot with a filter? Why, why, why? The negative was very thin and I had to lift the shadows in post-processing. This is what I obtained. 

This is my only acceptable shot. I got close to the building and tried to frame as I could. There was a man with his dog running loose on the empty lawn. I was in a hurry to get away from here.

There is another courtyard facing north, and I had been wanting to take this shot. It was too contrasty, though! I knew I could not frame it with most of it in shadow but a bit area in direct sunlight. The contrast would have been way too high, so I aimed for the shadow area, and wanted to capture the landscaping. This is not a shot I should have taken. What was I thinking? I had to lighten the shadows considerably.

And that was it, a medley of low notes with one acceptable one. I need to be more selective, I cannot just snap away. I know that, but I wanted to get all my frames shot this time, because I was intending on developing the film at home as soon as I was done. This was a mixed bag.

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