Saturday, October 24, 2020

Large format at Wat Thai

 Here are a few more photos of the Wat Thai temple. These were taken in 4x5 format with expired Kodak Ektopan film. They were heavily exposed, and as I recall, I used a shutter speed of 1/15th of a second because, I rationalized, it was a gloomy day and the Ektopan was at least twenty-five years expired. They say to overexpose by one stop for each decade, and if the film was from 1994, well then, two and a half stop, so if I was using an aperture of f16 and a shutter speed of 1/100, then shutter speed should be 1/15th, I thought. (1/100 --> 1/50 --> 1/25 --> 1/12, which is about 1/15). Also, it was gloomy. Turns out, the negatives were very thick, which means they were overexposed. I should have used about 1/50, or as the dial says, 1/60. 

These are not full 4x5 because my scanner cannot scan the full negative, so these are only partial scans.

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