Monday, October 19, 2020

Penn Park in Whittier

 In the city that old mexicanos would pronounce as "Güitier", as in "el bulevar Güitier en el mero este de Los Ángeles", but of course, this is the city of Whittier, a suburb, not the gritty Mexican enclave of East LA.

I went on Sunday, Oct. 18th, because they were supposed to have a modeling event. It was being held by a modeling club which posts notices on my Facebook account. Well, that event was a bust, I didn't want to participate, but I did take photos of the park. It gave me an excuse to get out of the house on a hot Sunday afternoon. (Yes, I know, it is October and we are still having heat spells while other parts of the country are seeing fall colors and plummeting temperatures. But this is normal for sunny southern California.)

It is a beautiful but modest park. It even has a waterfall feature, but there were too many Latinos with no facemasks. They feel impervious to the virus, I guess, or else, just want to ignore it for a return to some form of sanity during a pandemic. I was not comfortable with so many people wearing no masks.

Walking around, there are many shady areas. That does not make for good photos, but I chose a few. Here are a few that I took.

The waterfall feature. It looks very modest, and of course, I had to videotape the noise of the water for a brief video.

A garden feature, but this is not really blooming season, so there were few flowers. We are still experiencing heat, though. 

I was very fortunate with this photo. It is of the stream. It has a Japanese garden feel to it.

The small flower garden.

Another area where the stream strolls or floats along.

The path that circles the park where one can walk to get exercise.

In the future it will be interesting to visit this park. I wonder if the trees will change color by December. Not all of them, you can see that some have already mostly lost their leaves (on the last photo). I think I will visit again.

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