Wednesday, October 14, 2020

More from Niguel with the Holga 120 Pan

 Today was a day to go pick up developed film. I decided that I had enough time to go accomplish two tasks, pick up some infrared film from Freestyle in Santa Fe Springs and then, dash down to Irvine to pick up my film. So that is what I did.

I was not able to buy the Rollei 400 IR film, they were all out, so I bought JCH Streetpan. It is very similar, and I love the look of this film, although in my estimation, the Rollei gives the better IR image. There went about $165 for 15 rolls. Practicing film photography is certainly keeping me poor.

I made a wrong turn and took the 605 rather than the 5 going south, and it delayed me. Lesson learned, I will now stick to Norwalk Blvd when getting back on the freeway. I got to Irvine about 45 minutes later and picked up my film. I couldn't wait to scan it but, of course, I had to, since I had a Zoom class to give at 1 p.m. So I scanned after my class.

Here are images taken on color film with the Holga 120 Pan. I am amazed by this camera! Yes, the edges are out of focus, but the center and most of the image are fine. This camera give little fuss, it might not offer any controls since I can't control aperture nor shutter speed, but as long as I aim it at a subject in bright sunlight and try to choose the correct focus distance, it delivers. I loved this images taken at the Laguna Niguel Reserve last week (Oct. 5th), and want to return.

Stair steps. Not the best composition.

I remember seeing this view and debating whether I wanted to photograph it. In retrospect, it was a stretch.

I like this one. In black and white I would have used a red filter. The gloom was very evident.

Photo taken near the top, just as one reaches the rose garden. I should have looked for a better vantage point.

This shot and the one that follows are favorites.

Love the color! 

That was it, I have several more rolls to scan, but I think I have uploaded most of what I took at the Laguna Niguel reserve. I am happy with the Holga, the images are sharper (for most of the area) than with the Kraken. I still need to calibrate the latter, I can't believe it has been a disappointment for me. I might need to buy another Holga 120 pan now that they are available again, but no, that will have to wait for a month so it doesn't show up until my December credit card statement. I have an 8x10 lens to buy right now, because I am waiting on the 8x10 Willtravel camera to be sent to me from Norway soon. He has promised soon, I believe him, but it is now a week delayed from being shipped.

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